goodyear 24 volt cordless impact wrench

Is it a ‘Goodyear’ for this 24V Cordless Impact Wrench? (review)

Goodyear, a longtime, recognized name in tires also offers an affordable, cordless 24v impact wrench.

So, are you willing to not only toss Goodyear rubber on your ride but also change it out with the same brand?

While not as diverse as some of the more famous manufacturers or brands whose focus is mostly tools, Goodyear seems to have put some strong consideration and focus into their narrow range of blue impacts. In all honesty, I was really excited when I first saw this cordless wrench for two main reasons (the first being childish, but what can I say? I’m a big kid!): The first reason is that, well, yes, I love the appearance of the drill! The color makes me feel like I really do have an amazing toy, fit for a grown-up kid who’s ready to work. The second reason is that my experience with the Black & Decker 24v cordless drill left me wanting more from another 24v drill but, alas, after my NiCd batteries wore out, my poor hammer drill beast was finally laid to rest.

In the words of The Goblin King (David Bowie), “Such a pity.”


Let’s take a look at the main info and see if what this impact has to offer. Here’s a hint, though: we like it!

Product Info

51h1CTki3ZL Is it a 'Goodyear' for this 24V Cordless Impact Wrench? (review)

Goodyear doesn’t play around with this particular power tool as it clocks in at 24v of power and weighs over 12 pounds in total. This impact wrench is advertised as a professional-level tool capable of breaking lug nuts–rusty or otherwise–on cars, trucks, lawnmowers, or whatever you feel like playing around with. The company says that this particular model was built with power and longevity in mind, particularly in battery life. The question remains, of course, how well does it actually perform in these areas. The short answer is that most people are surprised, the vast majority being on the happy end.


  • ½” drive, which is standard for the automotive industry and quick to work with
  • As we already mentioned above, it’s reported as efficient and usable for a variety of applications, including various automobiles such as cars, trucks, trailers, etc, as well as motorcycles, tractors and farm equipment, yard equipment such as lawnmowers, and so on
  • Variable-speed trigger control with built-in electronic brake for improved safety and control
  • Tempered, heavy-duty gear construction which improves strength and gives longer-lasting overall performance
  • Includes a direction speed switch control which enables the user to quickly push a button to tighten or remove as needed
  • The weight of this model is 12.65 pounds
  • Drill dimensions are 14.3 x 14.5 x 4.8 inches overall
  • Total voltage is listed at 24v and runs on a Ni-Cad type battery
  • The 33609PB is built to be powerful and long-lasting

Pros — Things We Like

  1. Reminiscent of the days old, the 24-volt power is nice. Most users who’ve used this particular power tool have the same thing to say that people used to say about my B&D hammer drill after using it for the first time: “Whoa, that sure is powerful.” Actually, some of my associates claimed that my drill was TOO powerful (they were mostly using 14.4 v drills). The thing is that the Goodyear cordless impact, much like my old drill, has an amazing amount of power (300 pounds of torque per square foot), especially for its price range. in this regard, I guess you could say that it’s like my phone from OnePlus (that’s right, I refuse to buy overpriced phones!).
  2. The usable power longevity is kickin’ like mom’s chicken. You heard me right: it’s not just powerful, it lasts for a good while! This could easily be stowed or tucked away at full charge and then easily used for a quick, successful, and worry-free roadside tire change–just like a pit crew (almost).
  3. The price is very reasonable, especially given the power and performance. At 300 pounds of torque per square foot, this tool is well-priced for such performance.
  4. We and some others also find the grip comfortable as well. This is a good thing if you are looking to use the impact for extended periods of time.

Cons — Things to Consider

  1. The Ni-Cad battery. The primary feature which will deter some buyers is the fact that this tool isn’t of the Lithium-Ion variety. Now, we have mixed emotions about this but I personally more than others due to my experience with my aforementioned hammer drill. You see, the 24V Ni-Cad drill I had was great and stayed great for a long while–as long as I was actually using the drill regularly. After a period of switching my work and going back to the university for a while, my poor old batteries just died out and couldn’t be brought back, even if a World of Warcraft priest had attempted to resurrect them. I even bought some other “used” batteries locally from a pawnshop, but they basically gave me more of the same. My dreams of getting that power and lasting power back were dashed. So sad. So, in a nutshell, I am no longer the same avid fan of the Ni-Cad battery that I used to be. Still, with the right care and maintenance, it can still be worth the money.
  2. It’s not quite as easy to get the backup batteries. Well, it’s not impossible, but it’s not necessarily easy enough, either. Still, it can be done from a variety of sources and since the wrench enjoys such a high-level of customer satisfaction at a good price, perhaps it’s worth it, after all.
  3. Weight and size. This particular model isn’t made to fit into tight spaces and will begin to make your arm tired if used for a long enough period of time, so be aware of that if you are looking for a certain level of power without the heavy weight or large size.

Final Word

51h1CTki3ZL Is it a 'Goodyear' for this 24V Cordless Impact Wrench? (review)

We like the 24v Goodyear Impact Wrench–we really do. It’s nostalgic to the touch and the feel of it it action pleases, as well as pleasantly surprises. Even though its running on a Ni-Cad setup, there actually aren’t as many lithium-ion charged impacts that can match its power, performance, and lasting ability, which is a testament to its good engineering. It all kind of boils down to what kind of accessories, extra batteries, and type of setup you really want or need. If you know how to care for and extend the life of your Ni-Cad batteries, then this could very well be a great fit for you. If, however, you aren’t necessarily so good about charging schedules and usage information, perhaps then considering a powerful Lithium-Ion impact wrench would be better for you. Either way, you wouldn’t be disappointed–there’s lots of power to go around, either way!

Now get out there and make an impact!

51h1CTki3ZL Is it a 'Goodyear' for this 24V Cordless Impact Wrench? (review)